Maternity Massages

All About Post-Maternity Massages


Congratulations, you’ve just given birth! Now it’s time to care for your newborn. Just remember to take care of yourself, too. Your body has undergone several changes during your pregnancy, and you will need to take the time and make a little additional effort to enable it to rest and recuperate.

Post-maternity massage is a full-body massage that offers physical and emotional advantages to assist women in transitioning into parenthood. If you have experienced a miscarriage or stillbirth, you may wish to explore postpartum massage to help your body recover.

Continue reading to discover more about postpartum massage, its advantages, and the reasons for getting one.

What Does Postpartum Massage Entail?

Massage has been utilised for centuries to promote relaxation, pain alleviation, and stress reduction. In addition to these benefits, postpartum massage facilitates a speedier recovery and general improvement in the health of every new mother.

Benefits of Postpartum Massages

The relaxing of muscles. Massage after childbirth relaxes muscles, improves circulation, and reduces stress hormones, providing physical and mental relief. Some ladies prefer a light-touch massage, but others prefer a deeper massage that delves deeper into the body’s muscles and soft tissues for more thorough healing.

Pain alleviation. It is common to suffer sore muscles after giving delivery. A postpartum massage helps alleviate discomfort, particularly in sore regions like the arms, shoulders, and back. Additionally, chest massage loosens the shoulders and relieves breast soreness.

Hormone control. During pregnancy, levels of hormones such as estrogen rise significantly and then decline after birth. Postpartum massage can assist in restoring hormonal and emotional balance. Dopamine and serotonin, two naturally occurring neurotransmitters associated with depression, can be balanced by massage.

Reduced swelling. During pregnancy, bodily fluids rise by around 50 percent. A postpartum massage can enhance circulation and lymphatic drainage after childbirth, allowing the body to absorb extra fluid and restore equilibrium.

Better sleep. It is typical to feel fatigued after giving birth, particularly while caring for a newborn. Massage can alleviate tiredness, promote relaxation, and enhance sleep quality.

Enhancing breastfeeding. It has been demonstrated that postpartum massage boosts the lactation hormone prolactin, which increases milk production.

Why You May Require Postnatal Massage

After giving birth, a woman may endure a period known as the “baby blues.” This experience may accompany melancholy, postpartum psychosis, stretch marks, and vascular complications.

Here are some signs you might want a massage:

  • The baby blues. The “baby blues” are characterised by symptoms such as mood fluctuations, heightened emotions of worry and melancholy, diminished appetite, and difficulties sleeping.
  • Postpartum depression. Symptoms include mood changes, withdrawal from friends and family, appetite loss, and trouble forming a relationship with the infant.
  • After giving birth, women will often discover stretch marks on their stomachs and may endure bodily discomfort and muscle problems.
  • Vascular issues. Some women develop varicose veins during pregnancy due to the increased strain on their leg veins (twisted, enlarged veins).

Any of these disorders might hinder a woman’s capacity to emotionally and physically recover after childbirth. However, many of them can be alleviated by postpartum massage. Physical therapists utilise a variety of treatments and exercises to expedite recovery and healing.

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